Definition of A Kiss

Prof .of Economics : Kiss is that thing for which the demand is always higher than the supply.

Prof .of Accountancy : Kiss is a credit because it is profitable when returned.

Prof .of Algebra : Kiss is infinity because two divide by nothing .
Prof .of Geometry : Kiss is the shortest distance between two lips .

Prof .of Physics : Kiss is the contraction of mouth due to the expansion of heart .

Prof .of Chemistry : Kiss is the reaction of the interaction  between two hearts .

Prof .of Physiology : Kiss is a juxtaposition of two orbicular   muscles in the state of contraction .

Prof.of dentistry : Kiss is infectious and antiseptic .

Prof.of philosophy : Kiss is the persecution for the child ,ecstasy for the young and homage for the old .

Prof.of computer science : what is a kiss ? it seems to be an undefined variable !

Prof .of English : Kiss is a noun that is used as a conjunction ,it is more common than proper ,it is

spoken in the plural and it is applicable to all .

Prof.of architecture : Kiss is a process which builds a solid bond between the two dynamic objects.  

All Laugh

The human body is wondering who is the leader?!

The heart says :It's me I circulate the blood.

The brain says :No ,It's me because I control everything.

The Liver says : No, me ,because i feed.

And the Anus said : No It's me.

All laugh.

Then the anus refused to open for seven days.
The liver has exploded,the brain was stewed and heart stopped beating.

Moral :
Even an asshole can be a leader !

The end and the beginning