What you send out -
comes back.
What you sow -
you reap.
What you give -
you get.
What you see in others -
exists in you.
Do not judge -
so you will not be judged.
Radiate and give Love -
and love comes back to you.

what is life?

Life is a challenge-----------------------------------> Meet it
Life is a gift------------------------------------------> Accept it
Life is an adventure---------------------------------> Dare it
Life is a sorrow--------------------------------------> Overcome it
Life is a tragedy-------------------------------------> Face it
Life is a duty-----------------------------------------> Perform it
Life is a game----------------------------------------> Play it
Life is a mystery-------------------------------------> Unfold it
Life is a song-----------------------------------------> Sing it
Life is an opportunity-------------------------------> Take it
Life is a journey--------------------------------------> Complete it
Life is a promise-------------------------------------> Fullfill it
Life is a love------------------------------------------> Enjoy it
Life is a beauty---------------------------------------> Praise it
Life is a spirit-----------------------------------------> Release it
Life is a struggle--------------------------------------> Fight it
Life is a puzzle ---------------------------------------> Solve it
Life is a goal------------------------------------------> Achieve it

Seven great quotations

 1:If you born poor,it's not your mistake,But if you die poor,its your mistake

2:Born with personality is an accident,But dying in personality is an achievement..!

3:Your birth may be normal,But your death should be history..!

4:Follow none,but learn from every one..!

5:practice like a devil and play like an Angle..!

6:Do or Die is an old concept,Do it Before Die is a new concept...!

7: Like all,trust few..!

The end and the beginning